Road & Bridge Construction
The traffic industry must attach great importance to bridge construction issues, which are the center of technology in the road bridge construction. Road and bridge units should grasp the key link of technology, and use technical strengthening and technical measures to prevent comprehensive problems. Based on actual construction of road and bridge construction, this paper illustrates causes of construction problems of various types of road bridges, and provides solutions to problems of road and bridge construction technology. It is based on angle of transportation construction and level of technology reconstruction in road bridge construction industry.”
The first concrete vibrations are insufficient. Due to the prestressed pipe in the web is too dense in the concrete pouring is extremely easy to cause local defects. Second, the impact of temperature stress in early stages of concrete pouring cement hydration heat will accumulate in the concrete can not be distributed inside internal temperature will cause the rise, causing the concrete surface expansion stress due to tensile strength of concrete and surface tensile stress easy to exceed ultimate tensile strength of concrete which will lead to cracks reduce strength road bridge.
Road and bridge construction technology is a field that constantly evolves, and there are many factors that can affect its development. It is important to find out more effective measures through practical efforts and analysis to realize thorough solutions to problems related to road and bridge construction. This can be achieved by speeding up the construction of road bridges in support of economic development, while making their own rapid development a priority and promoting it effectively. This will lead to better quality in road and bridge construction as well as enhanced technology, which is central to preventing problems from arising in this industry.