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Project Description

The pump station will vary depending on the type of pump you use, the materials available, and your needs. For example, if you have a big system with many pumps and you want to keep it small and efficient, then precut concrete slabs are best. If you want more room for installations and repairs, then corrugated iron (or asbestos) sheets should be used for your roof because they’re stronger than precuts concrete slabs. The manufacturer usually supplies a manual for installing their pumps; follow those instructions closely if necessary, but call an expert if electricity is used to run the pumps.

Ground water sources, such as springs, contain considerable quantities of water. If you want to increase the amount of water in a spring by digging out an area around it, you should do this carefully so that your spring still flows normally and doesn’t change direction or flow into other fissures.

The diagram attached illustrates the various joints used in distribution systems. Different joints are used for different connections, depending on the number of branches desired at a point. The choice of a joint depends on the number of branches desired at a point. Positions of joints with many branches should be marked and protected as it is usually the main source of trouble.


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