In all kind of structure


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Project Description

Civil engineering is the design, construction and maintenance of the physical environment such as roads, bridges, canals, dams and airports. It includes public works such as transportation systems such as highways and freeways. Civil engineers are also concerned with environmental issues including flooding control and waste disposal.

Structures are the arrangements of elements that serve a purpose. Thus, a structure is an arrangement of interrelated elements in an object or system, with the load affecting structural components vertically or laterally. Structures can take on many different forms depending on their functional requirements. Examples of structures include buildings, bridges, towers, arches and cables.

Shell structures are thin, curved plates that transmit the applied forces by compressive, tensile, and shear stresses in the plane of the surface. The membrane structure is constructed of materials that have a limited depth compared to other dimensions; the surface material acts as a membrane subjected to pure stress.


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