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Project Description
Check dams are small, usually temporary dams constructed across a swale, ditch or ditch to counteract erosion by reducing water flow velocity. They are not new technology but an ancient technique dating from the second century A.D. Check dams can be used not only to slow flow velocity but also to distribute flows across a swale and guide flows toward vegetation. Although some sedimentation may result behind the dam, check dams do not primarily function as sediment-trapping devices.
Check dams are made of a variety of materials. They can be permanent or temporary, depending on the situation. Logs and rock check dams are usually permanent or semi-permanent; sandbag check dams are built primarily for temporary purposes. Also, there are check dams that are constructed with rockfill or wooden boards. These dams are usually implemented only in small, open channels that drain 10 acres (0.04 km2) or less; and usually do not exceed 2 ft (0.61 m) high. Woven wire can also be used to construct check dams in order to hold fine material in a gully. It is typically used in environments where the gully has a moderate slope (less than 10%), small drainage area, and in regions where flood flows do not typically carry large rocks or boulders
Check dams are effective in reducing flow velocities in channels and waterways. In contrast to big dams, which take many years to build, check dams are implemented faster, cost less money (sometimes free), and require fewer resources or access to advanced technologies. Moreover, they have been used in India’s drylands for some time now.
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